Tag Archives: Life Coach Certification

The CLI Value of ‘Service’ – What is Service All about?

CLI Power Coaches and their clients use a deck of CLI Values Cards.  Each of these 76 cards has a different ‘Value’ printed on it such as “respect”, “honesty” and “acceptance” and each has a different frequency.  Interesting isn’t it?  One of the most wonderful CLI Values cards that you can draw out as you begin your day is “Service”. What does it connote to you?

Customer Service To an Executive or Life Coach, Service is All about the Client – how best to serve his/her client to achieve their desired outcomes.

To a CEO or Senior Manager, Service is All about the Employee – how to best serve their employees so that they can stretch and grow and be inspired to do their best work for the end-user customer.

To a Church or Temple Leader, Service is All about the Parishioners – how to help them open their hearts to truly believe in themselves and in each other in order to create a better world for future generations.

Betska, The Guru Coach™
Sign up for CLI QuickTip™ and Blog Updates at:
Coaching and Leadership International Inc.

Law of Attraction – How To Make Your Life Better?

CLI’s world renowned coaching certification programs rely heavily on a clear understanding of the Universal Laws of Human Behaviour.  One of the main Laws we frequently come across is the Law of Attraction which says, “We attract people, places and things into our lives to help us grow emotionally, intellectually, spiritually and physically.  Some will push our buttons.  Others will celebrate life with us.”

Decoding simply, the cells in our body Law of Attraction which are in charge of our positive or negative traits / behaviours have a certain frequency.  Everything has a vibration / frequency!  This cellular frequency attracts other human beings with the same cellular frequency on a given issue so that we can learn from them.

When we positively change the frequency and dynamics of our environment, we can transform our lives.  Is it time for you to look at who your friends are?  Is it time about changing your work environment for a more positive one?  Every day should be celebration – not a burden on our spirit.

Betska, The Guru Coach™
Sign up for CLI QuickTip™ and Blog Updates at:
Coaching and Leadership International Inc.

Listening Skills – Key Competency of a Good Leader, Parent or Coach

Have you ever wondered the real difference between hearing and listening?  Active listening, as we learn during CLI’s Executive Coaching Certification Program, has four parts to it taken from the Chinese symbol “To Listen”.

We listen with:

Our ears:  Of course! Listening Skills

Our eyes:  When we ‘listen’ with our eyes, we pay attention to body language, to their eyes, and their facial features.

With Undivided Attention:  How often have you walked into someone’s office and, while you are talking to them, they continue to type on their computer?  This drives me crazy!  Same with a life partner or a child, we demonstrate undivided attention when we turn our whole body to them and fully listen to what they are saying.  This says to them, “you are important to me”.

Heart:  The heart is often ignored because old school leaders think this is ‘fluffy stuff’.  Nothing is more important than listening to someone’s feelings.  This says, “I care about your feelings.”


Betska, The Guru Coach™
Sign up for CLI QuickTip™ and Blog Updates at:
Coaching and Leadership International Inc.

Questioning Skills – Key Competency of a Good Leader, Parent or Coach

When a Leader, Parent or Coach attends CLI’s Life Coach Training program, s/he learns vital Questioning Skills. The incisive questions challenge, promote clarity, discovery or learning. Participants learn to ask questions that demonstrate active listening and an understanding of another person’s perspective, beliefs, personal strengths and abilities.

Questioning Skills For example, you may be sitting with an employee who is troubled, a teenager who is having trouble at school with bullying or a senior leader who simply cannot communicate well with his/her people. It is easy to dance around – skirt around the issue. Someone with excellent behavioural based coach training can, in just a few seconds, help the person find solutions by asking this powerful question,  “And so, what is really really bothering you deep down at a heart level about this situation?”

Can you imagine the response? Yes, tears may come. Eyes may light up with revelations. Or you may get a surprising hug.


Betska, The Guru Coach™
Sign up for CLI QuickTip™ and Blog Updates at:
Coaching and Leadership International Inc.

Universal Law #6: “The First Law of Increase” – Understanding why things multiply

This law says, “What I resist persists. My negative patterns repeat themselves. The seeds of gratitude, kindness, joy etc. will bring even more positives to me.”

Some people wake up to their negative patterns quite easily. Not me!Universal Law #6 God had to hit me over the head with a whole tree! I was living a life of luxury – fancy cars, house, clothes. One day, all h_ _ _ broke loose! My body started to break down. The signs were there but I chose to ignore them.

I was resisting what was best for me. Fancy stuff doesn’t bring one happiness. I thought it did. So why was I miserable? I had forgotten to nurture my spiritual self. It took a broken body to wake me up.

It healed as I reconnected with my Godself. Read how I did it in The “God” in Coaching – The Key to a Happy Life. Learn PCMK™ methodologies to get rid of your own R-E-S-I-S-T-A-N-C-E.

To whom can you show kindness today? It will come back to you.

Betska, The Guru Coach™
Sign up for CLI QuickTip™ and Blog Updates at:
Coaching and Leadership International Inc.

Why People Have Trouble Taking Advice

Have you ever had a sick friend or family member who wouldWhy People Have trouble Taking Advice not accept the advice that you have given them?

Why does this seem to happen?

Some of the reasons could be that they have very little clarity due to unconstructive patterns causing them to stay unwell, the disbelief that anyone could know more than medical doctors, plain stubbornness or not wishing to change their diet. Professional Coaches who undergo a Life Coaching Training Program can free people from these misconceptions. It is human nature to blame outside circumstances when we feel hurt or become sick; however, The Universal Law of Choice says, “If we want to change our lives, we must change our choices.”

Mature personal leadership invites us to reach out for others to help us as we take responsibility for our situation. We are the only ones who can change who we are.


Betska, The Guru Coach™
Sign up for CLI QuickTips™ and Blog Updates at:
Coaching and Leadership International Inc.