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Globally, CLI trains Coaches, CXO's, Managers, HR Directors, Trainers and all Leaders to be the drivers of positive change, leading themselves and others to be outrageously impactful using both logic and heart.Dear Guest: We are honoured that you are visiting us today. Choose from the many ways we can serve you including:
Leadership Empowerment & Advanced Development
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All Corporate Leaders: Stand out as an Illumined Leader in Your Field
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Acquire the skills, tools and knowledge to be a confident indispensible instrument of positive change for yourself and others.
Master an unparalleled, unique Executive, Business and Life Coaching skill set designed specifically for building leadership competencies and whole life success.
Open the Doors to Success for yourself and your clients by accessing the full power of the subconscious mind which manages 97% of our lives.
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Choose a better life. Choose a great Coach!
Hire a CLI Power Coach® to transform your self-defeating subconscious beliefs and actions for a happier, more peaceful life.
Experience "…what is probably the most revolutionary and most effective model of coaching to have been developed in the last ten years, Betska K-Burr's Power Coaching® with Mind-Kinetics®." ~ Rey Carr, Peer Resources
for the Day!
We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. ~ Deepak Chopra
Blog of
The Guru Coach
Click here for the latest musings and research of Betska K-Burr,
The Guru Coach™
for You!
Every day I am better and better.