Tag Archives: Leadership Training

The CLI Value of ‘Service’ – What is Service All about?

CLI Power Coaches and their clients use a deck of CLI Values Cards.  Each of these 76 cards has a different ‘Value’ printed on it such as “respect”, “honesty” and “acceptance” and each has a different frequency.  Interesting isn’t it?  One of the most wonderful CLI Values cards that you can draw out as you begin your day is “Service”. What does it connote to you?

Customer Service To an Executive or Life Coach, Service is All about the Client – how best to serve his/her client to achieve their desired outcomes.

To a CEO or Senior Manager, Service is All about the Employee – how to best serve their employees so that they can stretch and grow and be inspired to do their best work for the end-user customer.

To a Church or Temple Leader, Service is All about the Parishioners – how to help them open their hearts to truly believe in themselves and in each other in order to create a better world for future generations.

Betska, The Guru Coach™
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Coaching and Leadership International Inc.

Universal Law #10: “Laws of Giving” – How Sharing Expands our Hearts

“As you give love, you receive that love back again.  As you give, you gain in understanding.”

Have you observed how truly happy people always give love unconditionally? Law of Giving Mother Teresa devoted her entire life to giving empathy, compassion and care for thousands of needy around the world.  I was moved to tears to see pictures of her lifting up the sick and wounded into her arms from the streets of India.  Such a beautiful shining example of the Law of Giving.

Imagine yourself as a Leader, Executive Coach, Parent or team member inviting your colleagues and family members to more freely “share” with each other.  Maybe your garden is overflowing with cucumbers.  Or maybe your Cook in India made too many chapatis for lunch.  These can also be shared with the poor and sick.

As a Leader you could invite your colleagues to ‘share’ how they demonstrate compassion, respect and acceptance.

Our greatest teachers for this law are the animals who ‘give’ their love unconditionally.  It expands our hearts to share.


Betska, The Guru Coach™
Sign up for CLI QuickTip™ and Blog Updates at:
Coaching and Leadership International Inc.

Universal Law #7: “The Law of Attraction” – Why We Attract What We do

I was working with an Executive Coaching client today and man was she angry! She was angry at her entire team because they were not working hard enough to get a specific project done on time.

Hmmm. Any thoughts on why she ‘attracted’ this situation?

This Universal Law says, “I attract people, places and things into my life to help me grow emotionally, intellectually, spiritually and physically.”

‘Sally’ learned that she attracted the situation in order to learn some key leadership Values: Compassion, Understanding and Patience. Universal Law #7 First, Sally needed to move into a place of Compassion and Understand that her employees must have a reason for their tardiness. Then with Patience she coached her employees using The Be a Star Executive Coaching methodology and helped everyone recognize why the employees were so far behind. Her anger disappeared and forward action took place.

Easy stuff (when we know how!).

Betska, The Guru Coach™
Sign up for CLI QuickTip™ and Blog Updates at:
Coaching and Leadership International Inc