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Joan Weston, SCPC

CLI Power Coach Instructor and Mentor

Joan Weston is a Certified Executive and Personal Power Coach and also Sales and Marketing Representative for Coaching and Leadership International Inc. She was attracted to CLI's Power Coach training because of their wholistic body, mind and spirit approach. Over the past 20+ years, Joan has had broad experience working in the corporate area and as an entrepreneur in both the private and public sectors as a coach, employment counsellor/consultant, and in research and marketing, employment/training programs to corporations and businesses of all sizes, from manufacturing, hi-tech, engineering, and pharmaceutical, etc. She has a good grasp of many of the challenges facing business today and her clients naturally open up in Joan's warm, caring presence.

Coaching Certification: SCPC, Senior Certified Power Coach®, trained and certified by Coaching and Leadership International Inc.

Executive and Whole-Life Coaching Experience: Joan began her career as an Executive and Personal Coach in 1998. Since 2002, Joan has been using CLI's Power Coaching tools to coach executives, entrepreneurs, and professionals, as well as, individuals in all walks of life.

Working Knowledge of Public Sector Organizations: Joan has years of experience working on Federal and Provincial employment and educational programs and liaising with the educational ministries of British Columbia, Ontario, and Quebec. She did research for and promoted programs to the private and public corporate sector, general public and has worked with parents and school administrators. More recently she did research for and promoted the benefits of hiring and retaining older workers as one of the ways to address the impending labour shortages.

Assessment Tools: Joan has experience administering CLI's proprietary tools such as the ‘7 Areas Assessment' and the ‘Corporate Wellness Survey'.

Workshops: Joan has facilitated and assisted workshops for the Women's Business Network, Mentorship Group, assisted in the Coaching Clinic for Marquis Solutions, co-facilitated for the Older Workers Program and has run Job Finding Clubs for ESL clients, and for clients from other programs.

AdditionCredentials and Information:

  1. 4 years at McGill University - Business and Psychology

  2. Life Skills Coaches Training – Certificate 1, YWCA Toronto

  3. Building Trust Relationships, Gillmore & Associates, Toronto

  4. Mentorship Program, Women's Business Network, Victoria.

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