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Sample: The Brain Walk® - A Journey for Peace of Mind

  1. Challenge/Roadblock - Value picked = "Respect".

  2. The challenge/stressor brought up by this value is that "My partner is not 'respecting' my need for quiet resting time."

  3. Strong Personal Characteristic - Value picked = "Self-Love".

  4. Determining how this value of 'Self-Love' is a strength and a solution:
    a) "I am already strong in this value because I meditate in silence daily to help myself grow and be strong."
    b)"I can use this strong characteristic to overcome my challenge by simply realizing that it is in my own best interest to sit down with my partner and explaining how important this quiet time is for me and by asking that we share our thoughts, ideas etc. at a mutually agreeable time."

  5. Removing The Emotional Charge: "In the centre of The Brain Walk I streamed in an image of a black cat."

  6. Solutions:
    a) "Well, to me, a black cat represents superstition. It also represents that when a black cat crosses my path, I must be careful or something bad will happen."
    b) "This is a solution because I must be careful about my health. If I don't take care of myself and take quiet time for myself, then it's possible that my health will suffer."
    c) Other solutions? "Well, I like cats. Maybe I should get a cat! I understand that petting a cat is the #1 stress reliever of all time! It could be part of my quiet time."

  7. Action Plan:
    a) Talk to my partner again this week and emphasize how important it is for us to communicate and how important it is for me to have time for myself. Then set boundaries around the need for no interruptions during my restorative quiet time.
    b) Buy a cat!?

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