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The Brain Walk®


There are many applications to The Brain Walk. The CLI website offers you an opportunity to benefit from two of these applications: 'A Journey for Peace of Mind' and 'Value Amplification'. These entry level applications are designed to assist individuals in realizing the power of the human mind to be innovative about life.

" Take a Walk ... Move a Mountain? "

" I have been self-coaching using the Brain Walk? for a few weeks now, and am astounded by how far I have come in making really positive headway with some life-long issues. It's an amazingly effective tool that is so quick to do! "
- Lisa Dennys, B.Sc.(OT), D.C.M., D.Ac.

Here are just a few of the benefits of using The Brain Walk Series:

  1. The Brain Walk tools take us to neutral think on The Clarity Solutions Model. By reaching this point of clarity through the release of the emotional charge, the brain cells get fed and automatically release solutions to a problem or a challenge. Our research has shown that over time our clients get clearer and clearer on the issue.

  2. The Brain Walk clears up the negative judgments we might hold towards ourselves and towards others.

  3. The Brain Walk eliminates the negative patterns we carry in our conscious and unconscious by replacing them with positive patterns.

  4. The Brain Walk stimulates our brain cells to innovate.

  5. The Brain Walk brings a sense of peace to our day. It gives us hope and makes us more enthusiastic about life.

  6. Daily use of The Brain Walk stimulates the creative, innovative parts of our brain. We begin to do our work faster. We work smarter not harder. Our intuitive ability grows dramatically.

  7. Repeating 'The Walk' using the same issue will take the client to higher awareness and more sophisticated answers.

  8. Use of The Brain Walk Map and the Values Cards every morning assists the individual in working with their unconscious to become more focused and productive personally and professionally.
  9. On each Values Card is one of the main 75 values of humanity. By working with the cards everyday, men, women and children (and whole work teams & families) become more adept at more fully living these values. Often we will say that we are respectful or honest; however when we take a closer look at ourselves, we may find that we (and others) could benefit if we were to more greatly demonstrate a certain value.

Note: Some folks are uncomfortable showing their emotions when their values are being challenged. The Brain Walk can silently assist these people in releasing their emotional charges on an issue without a display of emotion.

You will be conducting The Brain Walk on-line.

CLICK HERE to order a paper version of this remarkable tool !

The Brain Walk®, Mind-Kinetics®, are trademarks and registered trademarks of Coaching and Leadership International Inc. (CLI). Use of these trademarks is limited to the guidelines published for CLI trained Coaches.

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