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Selling Guru App (iPhone & iPad)

eliminate sales roadblocks

Selling Guru App by CLI
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The Brain Walk App (iPad)

achieve your goals with positive thinking

The Brain Walk App by CLI
Download The Brain Walk App

Values Card App (iPhone & iPad)

connect with your values daily

Values Card App by CLI
Download Values Card App
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Student Testimonial - CLI Mind-Kinetics Coach Training
Student Testimonial - CLI Mind-Kinetics Coach Training
CLI Mind-Kinetics® Coaching for Positive Thinking
Interview - Betska K-Burr: Executive and Life Coach
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Success Stories

"Joe was an engineer and due to hard times had been out of a job for 8 years. His wife was unable to work and they were forced to go on social assistance. In addition, their teenage daughter had no friends and was failing miserably at school"

Click here to read this remarkable professional and personal success story.

These 'Success Stories' illustrate the results achieved by individuals and corporations who did their homework, completed their research and made sure that they were hiring the best Coaching and Training Company available to achieve their desired results.

Ensure that you bring greater success stories to your personal and professional life.
8 Important Questions: Make sure that your Coach or Programming Supplier can answer an unqualified 'Yes' to all of these questions.

  1. Does the Program Supplier guarantee 'Permanent Positive Change' for you and all program participants while teaching you how to provide this same level of success for your clients or employees?

  2. Does the program assist you to become a 'Genius Thinker'? Someone who can think like an Einstein or Da Vinci everyday to access the best solutions to every challenge?

  3. Does the program explain 'exactly' how to master a practical skill set that you can use everyday in your professional and personal life?

  4. Does the program allow you to master the subject quickly to enhance your career and increase your business success?

  5. Does the program provide multiple 'Self-Coaching' tools and methodologies so that you can also coach yourself to greater success every day.

  6. Does the Supplier have an active Research and Development department which can customize programs to meet your needs?

  7. Do the Coaching Tools and methodologies move you past 'any blocks' to achieve your success and enhance the use of your skills?

  8. Is the program researched, developed and delivered by someone who can go way beyond theory and move you and/or your organization to truly live your corporate and personal values such as respect, honesty, integrity, courage and discernment? Will the Program bring all of you peace of mind?

Contact us to discuss how we can also turn your story into mulitple success stories. Click here to "Discuss Your Options with CLI".

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