Tag Archives: Positive Thinking

Universal Law #14: “The Law of Life” – Fear Dies in the Face of Love

“Love is stronger than Fear.”

Just as chocolate chips add that special “wow” to a cookie, Law of Life coaching spirit-ual  ingredients puts “wow” into our coaching practices.  By ‘spirit-ual’ I mean embracing the fact that every human being on this planet is purely here to love ourselves and others more.  We achieve this by using love to conquer our deepest and darkest fears or imaginary demons.  My extensive research over 20 years is conclusive – love is stronger than fear and it works everytime.  In fact, I built PCMK’s unbeatable executive and life coaching methodologies to kick out those negative fears from your subconscious… unless you want to hold on to them!  Try them for free here.  Or join us for indepth learning.

Malala Yousafzai is one of the most courageous young women today.  She is an example of this law.  She loves herself and other girls so much that she will not let fear get in the way of ensuring that every young girl in the world is treated as an equal to men and receives an education.

Betska, The Guru Coach™
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Universal Law #11: “The Law of Karma” – What Goes Around Comes Around

Do we really realize that each of our positive / negative thoughts or words or actions towards our own self or towards others, keeps depositing like a bank account?  Indeed, each of us has a Deeds Bank Account just like we have a money bank account.

This Law, also called “The Law of Cause and Effect”, Law of Karma tells us that when we have unconstructive thoughts, words, and actions about ourselves and others (cause), we make a deposit into our “negative” bank account (effect) and vise versa for positive thoughts or actions turning out as “positive” bank account deposits.

A Life Coach Training program shares with us that peace, joy, and love, for example, come to us more easily when we have a lot more positive merits than negative ones.   It just makes sense.  And, isn’t peace, joy, and love all that we want in life?

What we sow, we reap.  As we do good things to ourselves and others, good things come back to us.

Betska, The Guru Coach™
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Coaching and Leadership International Inc.