Category Archives: blog-post

Universal Law #8: “The Mirror Law” – When I look in the Mirror, What do I See?

“What I see in others is a reflection of what I see in myself.”

This law states that if we are emotionally charged when thinking about someone else’s unconstructive behaviour, then they are mirroring back to us that we have the very same behaviour. This is THE toughest law for people to embrace. Often, we stubbornly don’t want to see the mirror.

For years I was blaming husband John for the communication issues in our marriage until my Universal Law #8Executive Coach pointed this law out to me. I said to her, “You mean, because I get angry at John’s lousy ability to communicate, that I, too, must be lousy at communicating?”  The silence at the end of the phone was my answer.

Sheesh. Tough pill to swallow, eh? Later that day I apologized to John and asked forgiveness for the many years I silently blamed him.

“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” – Mother Teresa

The Law also states that if we are happy with someone else’s behaviour, then they are mirroring back to us that we too have that wonderful, positive behaviour. Celebrate that!


Betska, The Guru Coach™
Sign up for CLI QuickTip™ and Blog Updates at:
Coaching and Leadership International Inc.

Are you Accepting Good Enough?

Are you a Leader who accepts Good Enough?

Change your mindset

If you are accepting status quo as good enough then you can bet that you are leading your team to nowhere. Challenging the current state of affairs and questioning the way “it is normally done here” attitude is the only sure way to improvement and remain competitive.

Whether you wish to improve your professional leadership at work or your personal leadership with your family, we invite you to use CLI’s phenomenal scientific brain game called “The Brain Walk®“ to identify immediate solutions to challenges that are hiding in your subconscious mind. We call these blind-spots. Got any of those? We all do!

True leaders at any rank within the organization, love themselves and their organization so much that they are committed to going inside self and finding the courage and the ability to suggest and implement change. They simply do not accept Good Enough in the workplace. Even if something is working, it can always be improved.


Betska, The Guru Coach™
Sign up for CLI QuickTip™ and Blog Updates at:
Coaching and Leadership International Inc.

Universal Law #6: “The First Law of Increase” – Understanding why things multiply

This law says, “What I resist persists. My negative patterns repeat themselves. The seeds of gratitude, kindness, joy etc. will bring even more positives to me.”

Some people wake up to their negative patterns quite easily. Not me!Universal Law #6 God had to hit me over the head with a whole tree! I was living a life of luxury – fancy cars, house, clothes. One day, all h_ _ _ broke loose! My body started to break down. The signs were there but I chose to ignore them.

I was resisting what was best for me. Fancy stuff doesn’t bring one happiness. I thought it did. So why was I miserable? I had forgotten to nurture my spiritual self. It took a broken body to wake me up.

It healed as I reconnected with my Godself. Read how I did it in The “God” in Coaching – The Key to a Happy Life. Learn PCMK™ methodologies to get rid of your own R-E-S-I-S-T-A-N-C-E.

To whom can you show kindness today? It will come back to you.

Betska, The Guru Coach™
Sign up for CLI QuickTip™ and Blog Updates at:
Coaching and Leadership International Inc.

Our Animal Co-Coaches

Animals and pets are God’s gift to human kind. Our Animal Co-CoachesThey love us unconditionally. They bring us comfort, laughter, joy and companionship that no human being can replace.

Take Rajiv and Bruno, for example. They live in Delhi, India. Rajiv is a Professional Executive Coach and Bruno is Rajiv’s Co-Coach and business partner extraordinaire. Seriously! Whenever Rajiv has a challenge, and it is possible for him to take Bruno for a walk, answers to Rajiv’s challenge will flood in during the walk as an alternate approach. Interesting!

As business people, parents, or teenagers, we can invite a precious animal and/or feathered friend into our home and/or business and give them a job! Their job is to be your Co-Coach in life. Permit them to help you self-coach daily, help you generate solutions to challenges and goals and create masterful works for your business and home life. Invite them to meditate with you and become true partners in your life’s journey. Look after them as if they were your human child and they will reward you with love.


Betska, The Guru Coach™
Sign up for CLI QuickTip™ and Blog Updates at:
Coaching and Leadership International Inc.

Universal Law #4: The Law of Choice – “We have the Power to Choose”

This law says, “If I wish to change my life, I must change my choices”.

Sally hates her boss. Fred can’t see his shoes because his beer belly is too big. Martha still eats meat which is making her sick. Cam can’t seem to meditate every well. Law #4

Why do we let these things happen? It’s because we forget this law. We forget that we, and we alone, can take control of our own lives by making the right choices. Each of us can CHOOSE to do what is good for us. By virtue of having a choice, we become 100% responsible for our lives.

Personal development programs give us the tools to make choices on how we live, dress, eat, choose one’s faith and develop relationships or bonds.

To be happier, healthier and in harmony with our mind, body and spirit, we must make the right choices for ourselves.

In the wise words of Mark Twain, “You’re never wrong to do the right thing.”


Betska, The Guru Coach™
Sign up for CLI QuickTip™ and Blog Updates at:
Coaching and Leadership International Inc.

Be the Leader Coach

When any employee or team member approaches you with an issue, he /she has either challenges to overcome or goals to achieve. In either case, remember that the receptors on their thinking cell’s membrane are constricted and they constricted because of some emotional event. When receptors are constricted, we have distorted thinking or irrational thoughts because the emotions are blocking the nourishment from reaching the cells. This is simple cell biology.

A Leader who has been through a PCMK Executive Coach Training Program would intuitively Be the Leader Coachknow which coaching methodology to use with their peer/employee to give the best results. Built into every PCMK methodology is The Law of Love /Transformation which means that the negative emotional energy is released from the receptors allowing innovative solutions to easily come to the peer/employee. Why is this important? Because the Leader doesn’t need to give the employee/peer any advice! Helping our people find their own solutions is the best way to create more leaders.


Betska, The Guru Coach
Sign up for CLI QuickTips and Blog Updates at:
Coaching and Leadership International Inc