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Selling Guru App (iPhone & iPad)

eliminate sales roadblocks

Selling Guru App by CLI
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The Brain Walk App (iPad)

achieve your goals with positive thinking

The Brain Walk App by CLI
Download The Brain Walk App

Values Card App (iPhone & iPad)

connect with your values daily

Values Card App by CLI
Download Values Card App
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Student Testimonial - CLI Mind-Kinetics Coach Training
Student Testimonial - CLI Mind-Kinetics Coach Training
CLI Mind-Kinetics® Coaching for Positive Thinking
Interview - Betska K-Burr: Executive and Life Coach
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The CLI Difference

Our Clients, our family, our coaches and our friends find that they are happier, healthier, more successful and more peaceful inside. They become more focused, disciplined, and incredibly productive people. Managers become more compassionate leaders capable of inspiring true greatness in themselves and others.

At CLI we have mastered the art and science of coaching. We know how to transform thought.

Here are 11 important reasons why you should choose CLI & PCMK™ or Power Coaching:

  1. The Science of Mind-Kinetics®
    Science has proven that habits and behaviours will only change if there is a physiological shift in the brain. Years of R & D later, CLI understands how to turn potential energy into kinetic energy. PCMK tools assist the Client in accessing their innovative thinking centres. With ease they discover their own solutions to challenges and goals. It's a rewarding experience.

  2. Universal Whole-Life Tools
    Power Coaches don't have to specialize in executive coaching or team building or lifestyle coaching or finance coaching or whatever coaching. Using universal PCMK tools they coach anyone, anywhere on any challenge or goal. The process works because the coach's #1 job is to help you find your own answers to your challenges and goals. Of course, if required, they will mentor. This is a highly valuable service to our Clients.

  3. Permanent Positive Change
    New positive belief systems are anchored to replace old patterns that don't serve us anymore.

  4. Bilateral thinking ability (switching easily between left and right hemispheres)
    Bilateral thinking can be extremely difficult for most people. PCMK tools retrain the brain to think bilaterally thus creating more genius thinkers. And, we make it easy and fun!

  5. Body, mind and spirit
    PCMK tools are designed to benefit and connect the body, mind and the spirit. For example, it could be our lack of self-confidence that is giving us an ulcer.

  6. Greater IQ and EQ
    PCMK tools combine our Intellectual Quotient and our Emotional Quotient to move us into whole-brain thinking.

  7. Universal Laws
    Universal Laws or Universal Truths are simply truths that give an individual permission to see the greatness within themselves and to achieve whatever they want to achieve.

  8. 75+ Values of Humanity
    Values shape our lives. The Values we choose to give and receive transform our future.

  9. Tools of Varying Lengths
    PCMK tools take from a couple minutes to one and a half hours to complete.

  10. Multi Levels of Certification
    Power Coaches have multiple levels of certification. Do you wish one-on-one Power Coaching® Group Power Coaching® Group Facilitation? Do you wish someone who has a Certified Power Coach® designation or more advanced training as a Professional Power Coach or Master Power Coach®?

  11. Extraordinary support
    The support CLI provides their licensees is legendary. On-going R & D for new tools and continuous learning opportunities via distance learning for example guarantee that your Power Coach can continually pass valuable knowledge on to you.

"Betska, you John, your partnership, your family, your miracle tools and your constant commitment have made a huge difference in my life I am living my dream as a powerful, loving woman, and I thank you from the depths of my heart and soul."
- Dawn Mickelow, Three time Canadian Ball Room Dance Champion,
Vancouver, BC

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