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Executive, Business and Life Coach Training

Mind Kinetics® Explained

According to Webster, "kinetics" means "movement .a branch of science that deals with changes in a physical or chemical system. The mechanism by which a physical or chemical change is effected."

As children, fascinated with potential and kinetic energies, many of us wondered "How do we effectively take the enormous potential of a human being and put it into motion (kinetics)?"

CLI's PCMK™ tools turn our thoughts into positive action (kinetics).

Years of CLI research and development have yielded the secret to permanently changing behaviours to maximize results for individuals and whole corporations alike. We now understand how to assist our Clients in literally putting their minds into "motion".

The secret, the magic, is called The Science of Mind-Kinetics®.

We believe so much in the power of these tools that we guarantee the results to our own direct Clients. As a Licensee, you too can offer the same no-risk guarantee to your Clients.

Mastery begins by knowing (as per Candace Pert and other scientists) that habits and behaviours will only change with a physiological shift in the brain. Below are a few of the components of Power Coaching® with Mind-Kinetics®:

  1. Questions and processes are engineered to move between left brain and right brain in order to stimulate a physiological shift. With emotions and fears released, potential energy can now turn into kinetic energy.

  2. Questions and processes encourage bilateral thinking - ability to switch easily between left and right hemispheres for quick and easy solutions to challenges and goals.

  3. Tools and processes anchor in the unconscious, positive new beliefs to replace the unconstructive ones.

  4. For centuries, science has recognized the power of colour. For example, prisoners placed in prisons where the walls are painted red, can become violent. Placed in a green coloured room, they can become more calm. CLI's tools and processes use colour effectively to stimulate a physiological shift in our thinking cells.

  5. The Universal Laws of Human Behaviour are vitally important to the Power Coaching process. We begin to understand why we do the things we do. We stop blaming self and others. The Laws are strategically placed in the tools to create a physiological shift.

  6. Embodied within the PCMK process are the 75+ values of humanity. Spirit-ual values like honesty, courage, faith and discernment allow us to access the right side of our brain for a deeper understanding of who we are and our greatness.

In essence, Mind-Kinetics brings us enormous success in all areas of life because these discovery tools create shifts in our thinking at a cellular level. The tools are unique and fun!

To experience Mind-Kinetics be sure to Find a Coach ... And enjoy the rewards.

Now is a good time to choose your Course Start Date or you may want to discover more about Our Molecules of Emotion.

PCMK, The CLI logo, Power Coaching®, Power Coach®, The Brain Walk®, Mind-Kinetics®, Certified Power Coach®, Professional Power Coach® and Master Power Coach® are trademarks and registered trademarks of Coaching and Leadership International Inc. (CLI). Use of these trademarks is limited to the guidelines published for CLI trained Power Coaches.

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