Tag Archives: Enthusiasm

The CLI Value of ‘Enthusiasm’ – The Nourishment for Every Goal

Enthusiasm - The Nourishment for Every Goal Have you attended boring training sessions so lovingly organized for you by your HR department?  What was one of the key reasons that you felt disconnected?  It has to be Lack of Enthusiasm.  The CLI Values Card of Enthusiasm brings to the fore one single frequency that connects with frequencies of the entire audience in the session/class so that the whole group is enthused to rise individually and collectively to learn better ways to deliver value and improve in a specific goal or the area being worked upon.

Enthusiasm as learned during Executive Coach Training brings desire to learn, overcome challenges with resolve and go through our life journey with happy anticipation and peace of mind.  (Nice thought, eh?)  The right amount of Enthusiasm is the life blood of any human interaction.

Where are you on the Enthusiasm scale with respect to your life in general?  Pick a number between 1 and 10, with 10 being highest enthusiasm.


Betska, The Guru Coach™
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